You will find our headquarters in the 3rd district in Vienna:

APCOA Austria GmbH
Landstraßer Hauptstraße 146/13 A
1030 Vienna

Before you write us...

Take a look at our FAQ - you may already find the answer you are looking for.


Please press the call-button at the entry- and exit pillar or at the payment machine. Our staff are 24 hours available. Please be patient - sometimes it takes a bit more time. 

General information about parking

Vehicles can be parked uninterruptedly for 14 days. If you park your vehicles for a longer period, please send us your contact information (name, address, phone number, car license plate number) at office(at)

The highest value parking duration are 30 days - except 24/7 subscription. 

This is how daily rates work at locations with barrier control:

The tariff calculation starts with the entry time and ends with the exit time. The daily maximum always refers to 24 hours (if you re-enter - the calculation starts again). Parking for longer period than 24 hours is possible, the location does not have to be left in between. The calculation of the amount to be paid is based on the actual parking time and shown tariff structure.

This is how daily rate work at location without barrier control with parking tickets machines:

Daily rates are available at the parking ticket machine. Simply select the desired parking period at the parking ticket machine or insert money and put the parking ticket readable behind the windshield. Please do this before leaving the vehicle. The daily maximum always refers to 24 hours. Alternatively, you can also book via the APCOA FLOW App. Please observe the end time of the parking ticket or book a new flat rate via the app if the parking process is to be continued.

Please note the generally permissible uninterrupted maximum parking time according to the term of use.

No, the guarding and safekeeping of the vehicle, accessories as well any objects in the vehicle or objects brought in the vehicle is explicitly not part of our service.

The Entry of vehicles powered by natural gas is allowed. Entry is not allowed for vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum.

The respectively valid terms of use can be viewed at the location or also online at

 The reservation of parking spaces is generally not possible. The only exception is Graz Airport - for more information here.


Here you will find a list of all locations grouped by cities with charging infrastructure. Information on the respective operator can be found in the location description.


Yes, the parking rate valid at the location. Please note the respective information with instruction on signposts - it depends on the operator.

Requests for ÖBB P+R locations

Please send requests for ÖBB P+R locations within 48 hours after exit to info(at)
Please submit the following data:

  • Name of the P&R location
  • Your car license plate number
  • Photo of your public transport ticket (front and back)

A list of locations and further information can be found here.

Contact form

Please send requests for ÖBB P+R locations within 48 hours after exit to

Fields marked with * are mandatory